Can't afford a full body stuffer
or don't want to hassle with the bulk?
No problem, all you need is the Flip Fan.
Use with any otherturkey decoy
to enhance its effectiveness.
When they've heard and seen it all...
motion is key.
Prepare you trophy for display,
or turn it into an effective trophy taker.
In addition to being your perfect solution for drying your fan, the Fan Press allows easy, quick, attachment of your fan to the Flip Fan, Fan Clamp, Fan Frame, or Fan Mount.
Clamp your fan to anything.
Equipment, decoys, tree branches...anything.
Go to them, or let them come running to you.
Flip Fan for a while,
then easily attach the Fan Clamp.
The Flip Fan and Fan Clamp are designed to be used by themselves or with full body strutting tom, silluhette, or most any other style of turkey decoy. The 24" stake allows the decoy to be visible above vegetation and fit commercially available strutting tom decoys. Although all you need is the fan, you can put the Flip Fan with your real fan behind a cheap, hollow, 3-D foam style turkey decoy, and create the most inexpensive, effective strutting tom decoy on the market.
Use Extreme Caution: Flip Fan and Fan Clamp are made to help you mimic the real thing. We recommend that these decoys not
be used on public land, within sight of roads, during rifle seasons, or when other hunters might be present.
Your simple, DIY solution for preserving and displaying your memories.
Attachments are rigid yet removable...display your decoy between hunts.
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